Nonprofit Excellence Awards Winner Insights from Safe Horizon
Join NPCC for the first FREE policy forum about Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT) on commuter benefits, including NYC Metrocards or employee parking on Tuesday, Nov. 27 from 9:30 am to 11:30 am at NPCC. Learn more about the overall impact on the sector during a panel discussion, and get your questions answered.
We're Moving Next Year!
NPCC is thrilled to be joining Philanthropy New York and the United Nations Foundation as tenants at the newly-named and renovated Ford Foundation Center for Social Justice , located at the foundation’s landmark headquarters building on East 43rd Street.
Our annual Membership Satisfaction Survey is open and we’d love to hear from you about what works for you, what needs improvement, and which services you’d like to see more of from NPCC. The survey is only seven questions, which takes less time to fill out than it does to wait in line to buy groceries after work.
Sept 27, 2018 - The Daily News published an op-ed in September by the Nonprofit Coordinating Committee of New York (NPCC), Human Services Council (HSC) and the New York Council Of Nonprofits (NYCON) regarding the UBIT/commuter benefits issues. You can read the full op-ed on the Daily News website.
Sept. 21, 2018 – The Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service have issued a Request for Comments on proposed interim and transition rules (Notice 2018-67) for interpreting they way that nonprofits calculate UBIT payments. The new Section 512(a)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code changes the way nonprofits calculate UBIT; instead of aggregating all of their profits and losses from unrelated business activities, nonprofits must now "silo" their revenues and expenses for each "separate" "trade or business" and pay UBIT on each.
Sept. 21, 2018 – The U.S. Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service announced draft regulations designed to change how the federal government will treat donations to charitable organizations that generate state or local tax credits. The proposal would address New York’s new tax laws that seek to convert some state and local tax (SALT) payments (that are capped at $10,000 under the 2017 federal tax law) into uncapped charitable deductions.