There are a range of opportunities for Foundations to engage and partner with Nonprofit New York to support the nonprofit sector. Provide membership to your grantees through our Member Partner Program, help nonprofits attend the Best Nonprofit Conference by setting up a scholarship, or become a Nonprofit New York member!
Member Partner Program
Create a Member Partnership to provide your grantees and nonprofit partners access to all of Nonprofit New York’s member benefits to help make them stronger, improve their bottom line, and get them out of their silo. This year-long program includes a customized orientation, specialized programming on each of the Key Areas of Excellence, and specialized attention from our Membership Manager.
Help grow your grantees capacity!
Learning Lab Series
Learning Labs are a 5-part cohort-based training series for nonprofit professionals looking to develop skills and implement best management practices at their organization. Learning Labs give participants the opportunity to hear from experts in the field while practicing problem solving and experiential learning, so they can get both the tools they need and the situational
Conference Scholarship
Conferences can be expensive and inaccessible for smaller nonprofits. Help nonprofits attend by creating a Best Nonprofit Conference Scholarship! At just $250 a ticket, you can provide nonprofits the opportunity to participate and attend the only conference highlighting best practices in nonprofit management and leadership in NYC!
Need a quick way to scan all of the issues surrounding nonprofit rules and regs? Our policy newsletter has that information in a monthly format, so that you know what we know.
Sign up for the newsletter by subscribing to our email.
When we come together and unite as one, our voice is amplified, our influence is magnified, and real change is possible. Get involved in our campaigns!
Nonprofit New York grounds our policy strategy in the Declaration of Nonprofit Rights. Our job is to elevate the voices of our members, and the nonprofit sector, to advance public policy that supports the sector, and to strengthen your ability to advocate for your mission. Help us continue our mission to strengthen and unite the New York nonprofit sector.
Looking to support the nonprofit sector and stay up to date on the issues most important to nonprofits? Become a Philanthropic Member!
Do you have an open RFP and want to spread the word? Let us know and we can include it in our monthly member e-newsletter!