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In Conversation With La’Dreamer & Daisy Helping Hands Foundation

January 3rd, 2022


Programs Coordinator Devon Stein spoke with LaDreamer Lark of La’Dreamer & Daisy Helping Hands Foundation Inc, a member organization of Nonprofit New York. We will continue to highlight the work of our members because we believe when your nonprofit is stronger, all of us are stronger.

Take Our “Return to Workspace” Survey For the FREE report!

Nonprofit New York is committed to bringing high quality information and resources to the nonprofit sector, helping you to make the best choices possible for your organization. As part of that mission, we are launching a new survey and the data will be summarized in the 2022 Return to Workspace Report.

Reimagined Key Areas of Nonprofit Excellence

November 17th, 2021

The 40,000+ nonprofits in the New York City area represent one of the largest and most diverse communities of nonprofits in the country. These nonprofits are crucial to the economy, social fabric, and safety net.  In every single neighborhood, nonprofits facilitate and motivate civic engagement, and enable communities to make meaning, art, and change together.

In Conversation With Behind the Book

November 2nd, 2021

Programs Coordinator Devon Stein spoke with Jo Umans of Behind the Book, a member organization of Nonprofit New York. We will continue to highlight the work of our members because we believe when your nonprofit is stronger, all of us are stronger.

Tell me about the organization and what you do.

The 2021 Nonprofit Compensation Report Is Here!

Nonprofit New York has proudly partnered with JDM Benefits and Nonprofit HR to bring you a total compensation report consisting of both salary and benefits. The 2021 Compensation Report offers a look at the average compensation packages being offered across the sector, so you can see how your organization's offerings stack up.

Nonprofit New York Statement in Response to Hurricane Ida

Nonprofit New York Members and Community,

We hope you and yours are well and safe following the unexpected impact of Hurricane Ida on our region. Over 40 people have lost their lives and countless others are now houseless and completely starting over after losing everything from flood damage.