The Johnson Amendment is Under Attack NOW!

March 12, 2018 – Congressional leaders are, right now, writing the bill to fund the government through the rest of the current fiscal year. This "must pass" bill is attracting many controversial issues - like anti-Johnson Amendment language - that would not pass as free-standing bills.

Nonprofit Nonpartisanship Won! Now Let’s Do More!

December 18, 2017 – Thanks to NPCC members, and nonprofits across the city, state and country, the reconciled Congressional tax bill does NOT include a provision to repeal the Johnson Amendment nonpartisan protections for nonprofits. You did it!! Congratulations and THANK YOU. Of course, there is more left the do.

Congressional tax “reform” hurts nonprofits

November 15, 2017 – The U.S. House of Representatives is scheduled to vote THIS WEEK on the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act (H.R. 1). The U.S. Senate Finance Committee is discussing the Senate tax bill this week. These bills differ in important ways – read a side-by-side comparison here - but both hurt nonprofits.

Comments on Lobbying Regulations (Proposed Part 943)

October 14, 2017 – NPCC signed on to the comments of the Lawyers Alliance for New York, along with the New York Legal Services Coalition, regarding the Joint Commission on Public Ethics (JCOPE)’s proposed comprehensive lobbying regulations (19 NYCRR Part 943). JCOPE’s proposed regulations, if adopted, would affect lobbying definitions and compliance provisions.

NPCC’s Response to the Department of Labor

September 21, 2017 – Last year at this time, nonprofits were scrambling to comply with pending overtime regulations that would have doubled the minimum salary threshold for determining who is considered a white-collar worker and exempt from overtime payments.

Letter To Congress: Vote to Maintain the Protections of the Johnson Amendment and Sensible Tax Reform.

July 24, 2017 – I write, on behalf of the nearly 1,500 nonprofit members that the Nonprofit Coordinating Committee of New York represents, to urge you to protect the nonprofit sector by voting to maintain the protections of the Johnson Amendment and for sensible tax reform that encourages charitable giving.

TAKE ACTION! Congress is politicizing nonprofits – We need five minutes of your time to stop them.

Last week, the U.S. House Appropriations Committee approved a funding bill that included an extraneous provision (rider) that essentially blocks enforcement of the Johnson Amendment against houses of worship and their auxiliary organizations. Certain charitable nonprofits would be able to endorse candidates for public office and divert charitable assets to political campaigns if a rider to a federal funding bill is approved by Congress in the coming weeks.

Letter To Congress: We call on you to Keep Nonprofits Nonpartisan.

April 17, 2017 – The Nonprofit Coordinating Committee of New York (NPCC) calls on you in the strongest possible terms to block any attempt to repeal or weaken the important provision in Section 501(c)(3) that protects charitable nonprofits, religious institutions, and foundations from the divisiveness and rancor of partisan politics that currently bedevils our country.

Advocacy Is Our Job – Message From The President

In the past few months, we've seen a number of proposals from the new federal administration that would have a significant impact on the nonprofit sector. We, as nonprofits, have the expertise and experience to know how these proposals will affect our day-to-day work, and we must use that expertise to advocate for the solutions we think are most effective.

TAKE ACTION! Keep Nonprofits Nonpartisan.

As we noted in our February e-Newsletter, the US House of Representatives and US Senate have introduced legislation to repeal the ban on partisan activity by 501(c)(3) nonprofits. This legislation would, in effect, allow 501(c)(3) nonprofits to become political organizations, which would turn nonprofits into political operatives.