Take Action! Demand that the Treasury and IRS Delay Implementing UBIT Subsections

Sept. 21, 2018 – The Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service have issued a Request for Comments on proposed interim and transition rules (Notice 2018-67) for interpreting they way that nonprofits calculate UBIT payments. The new Section 512(a)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code changes the way nonprofits calculate UBIT; instead of aggregating all of their profits and losses from unrelated business activities, nonprofits must now "silo" their revenues and expenses for each "separate" "trade or business" and pay UBIT on each.

TAKE ACTION! Submit your comments on SALT payments

Sept. 21, 2018 – The U.S. Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service announced draft regulations designed to change how the federal government will treat donations to charitable organizations that generate state or local tax credits. The proposal would address New York’s new tax laws that seek to convert some state and local tax (SALT) payments (that are capped at $10,000 under the 2017 federal tax law) into uncapped charitable deductions.

TAKE ACTION to tell Governor Cuomo to sign the UBIT law!

Aug. 13, 2018 – As a result of the new federal tax law, nonprofit employers must now pay Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT) on commuter benefits, including Buffalo NFTA Metro Pass, NYC Metrocard, Rochester RTS Pass, or employee parking. Because of your advocacy, the New York legislature recently passed S8831 and A11051 to decouple the federal and state tax law to eliminate the New York State tax.

We did it! State Legislature passes UBIT Commuter Tax fix!

June 21, 2018 – Thanks to your great advocacy, the nonprofit sector has had a great – and cost-saving – victory! The bills to fix the unintended consequences of an additional 9% unrelated business income tax (UBIT) on commuter benefits passed this week.

TAKE ACTION to fix the Commuter Benefits Tax – Contact Your State Legislators to Pass Bill S.88831/A.11051!

June 11, 2018 – A recent memo from NPCC and some members of a larger coalition calls for legislation to pass bill S.88831. We need your help in making this happen. We need to pass this legislation in this session – so time is of the essence! Use the coalition's call script and sample letter to contact your state legislators today.

Our Take on Decoupling Federal and State Law on Commuter Benefits – We Still Need Your Help!

June 6, 2018 - NPCC is part of a coalition that is advocating with New York State to reform our state tax law and reduce the cost to nonprofits by decoupling the federal and state law, therefore keeping New York from charging the 9% tax on these benefits.

TAKE ACTION to Reduce Taxes on Commuter Benefits!

May 29, 2018 - As a result of the new federal tax law, nonprofit employers must now pay Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT) on commuter benefits, including Buffalo NFTA Metro Pass, NYC Metrocard, Rochester RTS Pass, or employee parking. New York law imposes a state UBIT whenever federal law does.

Fact Sheet on the Commuter Benefits Tax

May 11, 2018 – In case you missed it, the Lawyers Alliance For New York published a fact sheet about the commuter benefits tax we shared in an NPCC email about the tax, and how NPCC and the Lawyers Alliance for New York, as a part of a larger coalition, are advocating with New York State tax to reform our state tax law to reduce the cost to nonprofits.

NPCC Demands Delay of New Taxes on Tax-Exempt Organizations

May 1, 2018 – Read here for NPCC’s letter to Treasury and IRS demanding an immediate delay implementing the two new UBIT subsections (taxes on fringe benefits and taxes on separate “trade or business”) of the new federal tax law, retroactive to January 1, 2018, until one year after Final Rules are promulgated to provide both the necessary official guidance for compliance and a reasonable transition period for nonprofits to develop the necessary record-keeping systems.

Commuter Benefits Taxed

April 19, 2018 - As NPCC told you in our March e-newsletter, as a result of the new federal tax law, nonprofit employers must now pay Unrelated Business Tax Income (UBIT) on some fringe benefits, including on Metrocards and other “qualified transportation fringe benefits” (also known as commuter benefits). This will increase a nonprofit organization’s expenses.