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Form 990 Data will be on Amazon. Yes, Amazon.

Source article: Amazon Web Services

Machine-readable data from certain electronic 990 forms filed with the IRS from 2011 to present are available for anyone to use via Amazon S3.

Form 990 is the form used by the United States Internal Revenue Service to gather financial information about nonprofit organizations.

Facts About the New Overtime Rule and What You Need To Know

President Obama and Secretary Perez announced that the Department of Labor’s final rule on overtime under the Fair Labor Standards Act will automatically extend overtime pay eligibility to 4.2 million workers. The rule will entitle most salaried white collar workers earning less than $913 a week ($47,476 a year) to overtime pay.

Reflections on Pathways to Excellence Workshop: Excellence in Managing for Results

By Laurel Molloy, Innovations Quantified, Awards Selection Committee Member

Nonprofits often think the key to successful outcome measurement is hiring someone whose sole responsibility is data management. But during NPCC’s recent Pathways to Excellence panel on “Excellence in Managing for Results,” a somewhat different perspective emerged.

Don’t Lose Exempt Status; New Filing Location for Form 990-N

The Form 990-N is the e-postcard for small, tax exempt organizations and submitted annually online. Prior to February 2016, the forms were accepted through the Urban Institute web portal.

Don't lose your exempt status! Visit IRS.gov to file today. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will not penalize organizations for late submissions this year.

Department of Labor Publishes Final Overtime Rule Effective December 1, 2016

The United States Department of Labor (the DOL) has issued updates to the Overtime rule effective December 1st, 2016. The updates include increases to the salary threshold of salaried workers entitled to overtime from $455 per week to $913 per week. According to the DOL, potentially 4.2 million workers will either gain new protections or get a raise.

OMB Guidance: Know your Rights

Each nonprofit needs to learn its rights and responsibilities under the Uniform Guidance and take positive steps to protect those rights. This document identifies the major changes in the Uniform Guidance related to cost allocation rules and payment of indirect costs.

How $15 Minimum Wage Will Impact Nonprofits

On March 31st, Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the $15 minimum wage plan into law which can potentially lift the earnings of an estimated 2.3 million New Yorkers. While this is a victory for the city’s low-income population, how will it affect nonprofit organizations that struggle to meet indirect and programming costs?

According to the The FY17 budget plan, the wage increase will be phased in between now and 2020 then continue to increase on an indexed schedule set by the Director of the Division of Budget and the Department of Labor.

How Can We Save The Puppies If We Can’t Keep The Lights On?

New York City’s nonprofit sector accounts for more than $118 billion in annual expenditures, including $33.6 billion in payroll expenses alone. With more than 600,000 employees, nonprofit organizations account for more than 18 percent of the city’s total private workforce1 yet they're struggling to stay afloat.