Open Letter to the City: Center Black and People of Color Led Organizations in Reallocating Policing Funds

Below is an open letter to New York City government leaders on behalf on New York's nonprofits. Sign on to call on the City to center Black and people of color led organizations in reallocating policing funds.



Nonprofit New York Statement on HEROES Act Passage

Nonprofit New York is pleased the House of Representatives passed the HEROES Act on May 15, and particularly grateful to the New York Delegation for advocating for reforms to support all nonprofits. However we must caution our constituents that this bill faces significant challenges from the Senate and the following provisions in the HEROES Act are not law.

Nonprofit New York & Senator Schumer Statement on the HEROES Act Expanding Relief to All Nonprofits

On May 12 the House of Representatives introduced the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act (HEROES Act). Nonprofit New York is extremely grateful to the New York Congressional Delegation for their leadership working to expand access for all nonprofits in this next phase of federal legislation.

Testimony on the Disparate Impacts of COVID-19 on Communities of Color

On April 30, Nonprofit New York Policy Director Chai Jindasurat testified about the concerning letters the City sent nonprofits with City Council discretionary contracts during the Committee on Oversight and Investigations hearing on disparate impacts of COVID-19 on communities of color.

Legislative Memo in Support of A10226 / S8211

Nonprofit New York, and the undersigned nonprofit organizations, strongly support A10226/S8211, which would allow business interruption claims to be filed for losses sustained as a result of COVID-19.

Read the Full Memo


Letter to City Council on Behalf of New York’s Nonprofits

Nonprofits are calling on City Council to include us in economic recovery efforts and assure FY20 Council appropriations will be honored. Sign on to our letter today to show we are united in calling for nonprofits to be included in economic recovery plans.

Letter from NYC Comptroller Stringer to Mayor de Blasio

On April 14, NYC Comptroller Scott Stringer sent the attached letter to Mayor Bill de Blasio, requesting the Mayor's Office honor FY20 contracts, an issue covered in this article in The City this evening.

Read the letter.


Letter from NYC Comptroller Stringer to Deputy Mayor Fuleihan

On April 6, NYC Comptroller Scott Stringer sent the attached letter to Deputy Mayor Dean Fuleihan tonight, asking for the city to extend the same commitments and assurances to all nonprofit contracted providers, particularly DOE and DCLA contractors.

Read the letter.

Letter to New York’s Congressional Delegation on Behalf of New York’s Nonprofits

Below is a letter to New York's Congressional Delegation on behalf on New York's nonprofits drafted in partnership with a coalition of New York organizations. Sign on today to show we are united in calling for federal economic relief.

